Question: What religious organization are emulating the God in the OT??
ISS is top of the list and JW's are in the top 10......God will be so proud...
there was a video at the convention about hezzekia and the angel killing 185,000. this is just one example of how the bible is mostly stories and propaganda.
there is absolutely no evidence this event ever happened.
first the idea that the assyrians had 185000 troops is preposterous.
Question: What religious organization are emulating the God in the OT??
ISS is top of the list and JW's are in the top 10......God will be so proud...
there was a video at the convention about hezzekia and the angel killing 185,000. this is just one example of how the bible is mostly stories and propaganda.
there is absolutely no evidence this event ever happened.
first the idea that the assyrians had 185000 troops is preposterous.
What do Angles look like?? Their face shines with divine glory, but their wings are
tipped with blood.
here's some bumper stickers recently spotted:.
if you had sex with the president.
Here's the Jokes. Mr Trump we want you to run for president.
Trump: which party.
Democrat representatives; Why of course Republican party, we want to make sure we win.
Trump: I'm not a politician>
Democrats: That's what make it a great idea. Make outrageous political speeches and
say what's on your mind without thinking.
Trump: what will I get out of this?
Democrats: Government contract.
Trump: so let me get this straight, I can say any stupid thing I want running for highest office in this
country and get paid for it?
Democrats: Yes, it will be a shoe in for the Democrats to win.
Trump: I'm in.......
the answer posted on "no.
many millions who lived in centuries past and who weren’t jehovah’s witnesses will have an opportunity for salvation.
additionally, many now living may yet begin to serve god, and they too will gain salvation.
If you die one day before the end you will come back but if you are not a JW on
the day of the end kiss your ass good bye-bye....
I will die before their end comes and when I'am resurrected I will walk up to the first JW and tell them,
you guys are A-holes. After that comment no doubt 2nd death for me...
video is entitled "beware of deceit" he uses the letter of jude to show that current day apostates are deceitful and that they use "trickery" to and "twist facts" to try to "grab our mind".
warning: your head might explode.
especially past the 5:30 mark.
So why study the bible when you can study the WT and other publications....It's
not for the ordinary person to read and understand the Bible by itself.
God's spirit don't work for everyone when reading his word, some folks are dummies.
The WT talk out of both sides of their ass...
yesterday, i was feeling very blue.
this is quite unusual for me, as i tend to be quite an upbeat, positive person, so spells of sadness or depression take me by surprise and are a real shock to the system.
you know, i don’t believe in “putting on a face” or pretending to be ok; this “fake it ’til you make it” malarkey has never been something i’ve liked.
I love music. I join a group of seniors and twice a week we come together and play
our guitar and sing. We are pretty good and we perform for the public. We started with 7 members
10 years ago, today we are 30 strong.. I'am the lead singer(not that great) and not that great in playing the guitar. lol.
But we have so much fun, the oldest member 93 years old.
It's great, the women in the group get a kick out of showing their grandkids they have learned to play
the guitar and sing. A beautiful group of folks from different parts of the world with one thing
in common, music. We are preparing for our summer festival for family and friends, last year we
had a full house so we will need a bigger facility to accommodate the guest.
I love seeing the expression on the faces in the audience, Wow!! look at grandma or grandpa and
they sound pretty good, I didn't know grandma could play the guitar.
Yes we are not dead yet....
We have over 200 songs we play and we are still adding other songs. New song "Sundown" G. lightfoot.
this weeks book study lesson was on martha, the sister of lazarus.
the chapter in the "imitate their faith" book praised her for being "industrious".. the conductor at our congregation meeting was just positively gushing about how "industrious" modern-day jw women are.. he was so exciting, he could barely get the words out.
following is not an exact quote, but conveys the gist:.
I'am confused also: Do you imitate Martha or Mary.
Jesus said "Mary has chosen that good part". Martha worked hard but she complained a lot.LOL
this weeks book study lesson was on martha, the sister of lazarus.
the chapter in the "imitate their faith" book praised her for being "industrious".. the conductor at our congregation meeting was just positively gushing about how "industrious" modern-day jw women are.. he was so exciting, he could barely get the words out.
following is not an exact quote, but conveys the gist:.
I just thought of something. This is for you folks who are still stuck in the organization because of family and friends.
This will not work if you caught coming out of a motel, OK. And this is for single folks.
But if you are called in to talk with elders about an overnight stay in a brother or sister home(someone spotted your car)
Just tell them, Jesus stayed in Mary and Martha's home on many occasion and I'm
sure they weren't the only single sister He spent the night in their homes. Was he DF????
i'm new here; one of my relatives was a member on this forum a few years ago and told me about it.
anyways, as a sister who has been in the org since childhood and now in her late 40's (plus as a woman of color), i have noticed that a number of brothers have an ageist attitude.
they are very accepting of young women under 26 and rejecting women over that age, particularly those in their 30's and over.. is this an unspoken mindset from wthq (specifically from bethel), or is it that quite a number of males (sorry, i'm not sexist here) have this type of mentality?
The friends that was part of the great crowd ( in the 60's and 70's) many have passed on, but
mostly the men. The wives left behind in their 50's-70's most were financially secured, they
do not have a problem finding a mate. My daughter keep me inform, dad you remember sister
so and so ( in her 60's) well she married 70 year old brother so and so now he can stop working.
This has happen several times in my old congregation.
this weeks book study lesson was on martha, the sister of lazarus.
the chapter in the "imitate their faith" book praised her for being "industrious".. the conductor at our congregation meeting was just positively gushing about how "industrious" modern-day jw women are.. he was so exciting, he could barely get the words out.
following is not an exact quote, but conveys the gist:.
Xanthippe: that gives you an idea how things will be for women in JW's paradise.